My work is partially autobiographical, and represents how I feel about myself and the world we live in and my feminist mission. I do not limit my materials to metals, but find them challenging and attractive. I have discovered a strength in my femininity. Feminine symbols, including flowers, breasts, triangles pointed downward, and spirals, combined with metal have brought me closest to self-expression. In this series, handicrafts including needlepoint, embroidery, crewel embroidery, crochet, knitting, and tatting lace are transferred into my metal work. Embellishment has gradually evolved into the integration of surface and form. The ephemeral lacy quality of light penetrating the work and casting shadows creates another dimension like an inset of lace on the hanging and lighted art pieces.
- add the steel doilies - find hankees
- add the steel doilies - find hankees